

offshore company

With the development of society I think Off Shore Company now has been more and more, especially in our city in almost every day there will be new companies registered! Now I’m a graduate cannot find a job so I for the Off Shore Company is also great hope. I also through the website understood these companies, I think these Off Shore Company are very good, if I go to interview success. I will take a good work in the Off Shore Company, I think in this work is promising, after all, is belongs to foreign so I think it is salary and welfare are good!





會議室 租用

那些人是來談會議室 租用的事情的,雖然說是我對這個會議室 租用的事情還不是很了解,但是我之前還是做了一些准備的,所以當我們談到會議室 租用的事情的時候,我對自己當時的表現還是很滿意的,其實我們這個會議室本來是不用出租的,但是我們現在公司裏面有些困難,大家都在想辦法幫公司度過難關,後來有一個同事和我談起了會議室 租用的事情,我覺得這也算是一種收入吧,反正我們的會議室也不是經常用,所以就有會議室 租用這件事情,不過事情還算順利,我也算是有了些安慰吧。



BVI Company

There is a friend now working in the BVI Company, I think my friends in the BVI Company work seems to have changed a lot, he was very dirty before a person, but now it does not like, and he is now on everything are very strict, and I think this is a good phenomenon, sometimes I think my friend working in the BVI Company is a good choice, I want to go, but I’m not willing to my current job, I was such a choice, when in the face of , do not know how to do a man, in fact, I think as long as we feel good on it, do not think so much.


In fact, the Diploma for me is nothing, but for those who did not get the Diploma who is really a very depressed! Now the society is very cruel, if not Diploma if you want to go to a good company to work is not possible, but if a Diploma word is very random things! I also know the reality after only to study hard, now I finally have the Diploma, although I can’t say I have any good to but because this Diploma I now in a good company to work, I believe I will work hard.

wedding photography

In fact, if the wedding photo, I think is a good thing that the recent weather is too hot, if go to the beach, it is to be basked in by the sun! But this thing I also have no way, after all, only a little time, after all, marriage is to prepare a lot of things! The other is the time schedule so that there is this a few days to shoot wedding photography! Really, I think it is the hot weather is not the thing, who make us cool before period of time have no time to shoot wedding photography, is really his grip on yourself!

北京 五星酒店

我知道有很多发布会什么的都会在北京 五星酒店举行,其实有的时候你不得不承认,去北京 五星酒店就是一种身份的象征,有的时候我是不愿意去承认的,但是你去了之后就会知道原来去北京 五星酒店的人都是那么的有钱,那个时候你就会觉得很是惊讶,有的时候我觉得要是我能住一个月的北京 五星酒店的话,那么我也是知足的,但是我现在不会那样想了,因为我还有更重要的事情要去做,因为我还要和我男朋友去承担我们的房贷。