

Mauritius Company

Now to the Mauritius Company after I really feel a little feel just like a fish in water feeling ah, I was a very shy person so in the previous company which I also not many people know me! I feel really live very failure ah, so I resigned from the original work to the Mauritius Company, in fact I also started in the same, but the inside of the company staff is the same as the company is not the same ah, they are very enthusiastic to greet me slowly, my personality has become an up. I think my sky lit up now, I really like the Mauritius Company ah, I’ll keep working!

Bachelor degree

Take an examination of Bachelor degree has been my dream, when I was in college, I wanted to take an examination of a Bachelor’s degree, but don’t know why at that time, at the end of the day is the most important period, but I was too naughty, abandoned their studies, and not got his Bachelor degree, I think my college is really white, but then I heard a lot of people say it’s the Bachelor degree at any time can take an examination of, I heard the words, I think I can no longer as before this time, I well to prepare, this must get the Bachelor degree, let the dream come true.


本來婚期很近,但婚紗照一直沒有確定在那家,后來無意發現了一組照片,幾近打聽才知道是在Bliss Wedding婚紗攝影拍的,風格非常喜歡很唯美,自然,很溫馨浪漫,獨特,絕對是你想要的風格,沒有多想就定好在Bliss Wedding人拍婚紗啦,我拍的時候他們和我溝通,根據我的需要變換主題,婚紗攝影服務也很好,我和未婚妻覺得照片都很漂亮,都想入冊,選照片時在婚紗攝影的工作人員還是很熱情,再次謝謝,現在都拍完了,就等最近的驚喜啦。







場地 出租

媽媽說我現在的狀態是非常不錯的,我也是覺得很不錯的,那次我和我家裡的人一起去看場地 出租的時候,我是非常想促成那件場地 出租的事情的,但是到最後這件場地 出租的事情沒有做成,沒有做成我也沒有說什麽。我覺得其實那樣也沒有什麽大不了的,有的時候我和我朋友在一起的時候,我們要是做什麽事情,我們有不同的方法什麽的,我也不會因為那樣覺得我們的友誼受到影響,我覺得人與人相處就需要那樣的氣度的。



Singapore company

In fact, I think if you like to work at some companies, then you have been doing on it, do not think so much, sometimes I feel that I own, and I work in the Singapore company is very good, but my husband said he felt that I work in a Singapore company is very tired, or let me enchant work, in fact I think he is, I work in the Singapore company is very good, at least not very tired, I think if they do not like you a place to work, then you can change, but like it, then stick it.