



Taps Singapore

Today, and my mother went shopping together, mother home says go to the supermarket to buy some daily necessities, home of rice and egg is almost finished, I said that I accompany you to go together, after buying the stuff I in the snack area to look, bought some small snacks, see TV when eat at home, my mother was cooking area to see anything, so I asked her what to buy, she said she had seen the Taps Singapore is also very good, the tap to tap home rusty, but a long time is not good, she wants to buy a Taps Singapore, I see look at the price, feel very cost-effective, said buy it if you want to, that the tap to tap the home did not how to good use.

half case

A few days ago wife accidentally put my mobile phone fell into the footbath, broken. Wife says to want to pay for a new, firm second days to buy a new one for me, my music is enough. A day I and wife shopping in the street to see one of my mobile phone models of half case very beautiful, I want to buy, not to buy the wife, wife. Bought half case I hurriedly changed in mobile phone, very perfect. Originally it listen to happy day, to go home at night, and his wife a little contradictory, I accidentally broke a bottle of mineral water, and my wife in my mobile phone to fall. As soon as possible in order to put an end to the fighting, my silent. Then it will settle a matter by leaving it unsettled, thankfully during the day to buy half wife case was broken, mobile phone intact, buy the half case I is how wisely.

financial planning

To the company for so long, now I finally have hope, and now if I were to give a company to do financial planning, don’t worry about a thing, I alone can independent completed, remember when just started the company, not a bit of confidence, that I just came out from the school in the school, although the study result is good, but I work or don’t know, I’m beginning to learn a little bit, that if I give a company financial planning, is not a clue, do not know how to start, now has not previously that what are not students, some time I also independently connected to a company’s financial planning!



台湾 凤梨酥

每天早上从家里来公司上班的时候,都在为吃什么早餐而发愁,可是以后不会了。因为我发现了一个好吃的甜点那就是台湾 凤梨酥,每天给包里装个两三块就够了。到了公司之后接杯水,就开始吃了。同事他们几个就好奇的问我说是早上吃台湾 凤梨酥能吃饱吗?我就给他们说我喜欢早上吃台湾 凤梨酥,其他的早点我吃不下去,现在每天早上起来,我也不用做早餐,可以给我节省很多时间呢。还可以多睡一会儿呢。再在外面买一包牛奶一喝,也挺好的啊!老公也很体贴我,说是等孩子以后上学了也吃这个,不用我起来做饭。

Light tent

Together with friends and go wild taking pictures, I found a friend camera how much a, he asked Light tent what effect, also let him so far from the home of the Light tent into the field, the friend that told me that there is Light tent, shot out of the picture are particularly clear, no existing exposure photographs, I just think this thing that is so good, I go home to buy a, just my studio to give a couple take wedding pictures, they are required to the outdoor location, I was a little worried, now my worry is unnecessary, as long as there are Light tent solves my troubles.

嬰兒用品 專門店

我給老公說是我想在我們家小區樓下一家嬰兒用品 專門店呢,因為我們這一地區還沒有嬰兒用品 專門店呢,我要是開一家的話,生意肯定很好的。現在的家長都把孩子看得很重,而且一家也只有一個孩子,我也是這樣的,覺得孩子就是當母親的一切,所以總是挑選最好的東西給孩子買。我就給老公分析了一下,他說那也挺好的,於是我現在就開始籌辦開嬰兒用品 專門店的事情了,找好了房子之後,就又得往工商局跑,辦理相關的手續,確實挺麻煩的,不過還好的是有我姐姐和我老公的幫忙,現在我的嬰兒用品 專門店也已經開始營業了。

cms development

This time the husband almost every day, come back late, listen to the husband says the study is a new project is receiving what CMS development their company this time, although I don’t know what CMS development is what kind of, but I also listen to the husband said something to CMS about development, the husband said to them, is very important, so this time they have to work overtime to do the CMS development, if the CMS development so on their company is the benefit is very big. I could see her husband loves her job and my wife, good can only silently support her husband’s work.