高考結束了,這一年來的緊張的學習氣氛終於可以結束了,之前和我們宿舍的好幾個舍友們我們早就商量過了,等我們高考結束后我們一起去日本旅遊,因為我們宿的幾個我們都非常喜歡日本的動漫,有時候我們經常的一起聊一天關於日本的文化,特別是日本的動漫一類的。于是我們早就約好高考結束后我們一起去東京,現在都已經是高考結束了兩天了,所以我們的旅遊計劃也已經開始了,之前看到的東京 住宿推薦,我一直也保存著,于是就在東京 住宿推薦的網站上面也已經訂好了酒店,就等著我們出發了。
linear motion
I listen to my cousin said they recently had a linear motion just bought from elsewhere, that is a great help to her company, once before and cousin on the streets, inadvertently referred to the linear motion, that is our company recently in the development of a project, she said they also recently in this linear motion project, because our two companies is a type of type, although our two companies are almost the same, but we have a good relationship, also did not say what the company said information sharing, is the feeling of the new linear motion project is certainly very good, we are trying to do the best, because the competition is very big, we recently have succeeded.
linear motion
I linear motion company for several years has been work diligently and conscientiously work, usually at work a little sloppy things did not dare to make every day, I basically are the first to the company and is the last to leave the company, work overtime at ordinary times what I never have no opinion, my hard work finally linear motion company leaders affirmed, I recently heard some particularly good relationship and in the company of people above friend said, recently the company promoted a manager is heard in our selection of them, we all feel your hope is particularly large, the boss of motion linear are singled out for you now, look at the other directors how to say, I am very happy to hear these words myself these years of hard work finally someone recognized.
日本 樓
我畢業這麼久了一直在外面找工沒有找到合適的投資項目來做,最近老爸說讓我回到家里的企業來上班,他最近在日本 樓投資了一部份,希望我以後能全面負責日本 樓這方面的工作,也算是給我一個展現工作能力的機會,要是我能把日本 樓這次的投資弄的有模有樣,那麼以後老爸就會給安排一些公司更大的投資項目,等我的歷練的差不多了,他也就可以放心的退休把公司交給我來打理,聽到才能爸這麼說我心里很是激動我這幾年的努力的在外面打拼終於贏得了老爸的認可。
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