



offshore company

Someone asked me today what is company offshore, which can take me on, never touched, I really do not know ah. Feel ashamed, then home to check on the Internet, but offshore company is ” Off Shore Company “. The ” Off Shore Company ” what the hell is it, look for a long time and a lot of notes, in fact, that is a good foreign trade related to a professional terms, is the mainland company in order to reduce the country’s taxation, in Hongkong and the establishment of the Off Shore Company, this policy can reduce a lot of tax cost.



offshore company

Today I heard a new name, get for a long time to understand the meaning of it, is offshore company tax planning, you know what it means, don’t know let me tell you, offshore tax planning ‘s offshore tax plan, this word from our lives so far away, so we don’t know it in the foreign trade industry, but it is a very common. It is a foreign trade professional terms, but it is never too old to learn. Today by the offshore tax planning, have indirect understanding of an industry.



hermes wallet

Many people pursue a high-quality life, but to the pursuit of this life must have sufficient funds to pave the way, many star’s life can always make people envy, whether they are used to eat, or wear the belt, are a lot of people imitate Liezi, especially a lot of actress clothing, they clashed on the generation, very mind, so you will want the designer’s unique creative. And they use the bag, also pay attention to, what LV, gugi, a lot of famous brand. Of course, the male star will also have the pursuit of brand, focus on their own wallets, a few days before the Internet saw a male star, is with the Hermes wallet, out there is really a grade, is not very common, but Hermes wallet prices are expensive.





Investment Property

The Internet to see a lot of the news about the low return of investment properties, in fact, the starting point of these messages is triggered by because Citron company a report, because Citron company to a leading enterprises on the mainland a real estate asset.reported that this company is insolvent, and the reason why the insolvent is because the company investment property back to the paragraph is too slow, resulting in bank debt deadline can not repay, resulting in this company insolvent, leaving aside whether the reporttrue or false, the current property market alone, compared to previous years has indeed been shrinking, so the low return of investment properties look normal.