


最近这段时间我挺忙的,因为我在学习emba课程呢,而且马上就要考试了,要是我这次顺利通过考试的话,我以后肯定能在公司有更好的发展,先不说远的,就说眼前,只要我拿到了emba学位,我的工资也就随之而涨了,这是个现实的问题,只要解决了我的工资问题,我老婆也就可以安心的生宝宝了, 我们俩一直都在为家庭收入问题而烦恼,不过这次不用了,因为我也通过了emba课程的考试,不过这次还得多亏我的一个同事的帮忙,所以我们夫妇俩今天邀请他吃饭了。


Ali told me that she is going to buy a car, said she went to see a car pretty good a few days ago, listening to the beautiful story I asked Ali she buy enough money? Ali told me that her money is never enough, said she would go to Loan to buy the car, listening to the beautiful story I asked Ali to contact her good matter for the Loan? Ali told me she had a classmate is working in the bank, she Loan. Her classmates have helped her up, listening to the beautiful story I will not say what, after Ali told me that her car after buy a hand and took me to the outskirts of the play, I also answer the ali.

Part Time Design Course Singapore

In two of the time we have Part Time Design Course Singapore, I am also very hard to learn now after graduated from university I found a good job now, everything is going smoothly. Today with friends in a chat asked me to university have learned Part Time Design Course Singapore, I told my friend big two began to learn, listen to me say things said that this part of her time when the University didn’t listen now there are many don’t know how she now work above, listening to friends talk about things I tell a friend if she what don’t understand the question asked me I will help her to answer. Friends heard me say that they have promised.



One piece 海賊王

我看我同事每天都看One piece呢,然後我也想看了,因為受她的影響吧!我現在給我手機里也下載了One piece動漫,然後就在坐公交車上下班的路上看。剛開始我沒有帶兒子,我旁邊的人就很好奇,說我這麼大的人了怎麼還看One piece呢。我就給他說是日本動漫和國產動漫最大的區別就是,日本動漫成人也可以看得,而且小孩子看One piece 海賊王動漫的話可能還看不懂呢,他這才恍然大悟,於是我就讓他跟我一起看,有時候他看不懂,就問我講的啥,我就給他解釋,因為我畢竟還會一點日語呢。








A friend told me that she would go to the sumitomo applicant asks if I want to go with her Sumitomo for I told my friends that I now work fine and I don’t want to change my job if she went to Sumitomo for the words I will accompany her to go, friends heard me say that they have promised. After a friend told me that some of the things she is now ready to apply for ready and then tell me, that I have heard friends agreed. In a chat with friends when I told my friends that I had a classmate is working in the Sumitomo treatment is good if she go to a job so I can make my classmates told her some candidates should pay attention to things, friends listened to my story let me my friend.