
A friend said to me that if I had the time to buy a house to buy the Loan, I also think, Loan procedures Is it right? Very troublesome, if I buy, I also want to buy himself a better car, but a good car is very expensive, to me buy it, it was a little nervous. But to me these days my friends every day and say some of the benefits of Loan is so fast and convenient what, to enlighten him and I will go to learn about Loan, did not think of is really convenient, so I Loan to buy the car, the car is now in hand, the money I own also can in business. It’s not be beautiful.




这 次出差的地点又换成了台北了,现在都不怎么喜欢出差了,因为每次出差的话,都不会休息好,可以是换个地方不习惯吧。所以我不喜欢出差去外地的,可是这次也没办法了,这次出差对公司来说是非常的重要的,所以我这次必须得去的。老婆也知道我这次要出差去台北了,她就提前也帮我订好了台北商务酒店住宿,她说自己朋友都说台北商务酒店住宿条件非常的好。我希望也是,明天就要去台北了,去了台北也就知道这个台北商务酒店住宿怎么样了。

One piece 海賊王

一想到One piece 海賊王我就很傷心,明明買到了路飛最新的玩偶,結果被我弟弟給搶走了。誰讓他是家裡老小,所以都要讓著他,其實我很喜歡那個玩偶的,要不然也不會特地跑去買,我弟弟特別小氣,現在都不讓我碰一下,所以我就想再買一個了,我的同學跟我說網上買的話也比較方便,這個我知道的,我經常在網上買玩偶,在網上買的話也有很多好處的。這次我想買一件路飛的然後再買一些其他的。沒辦法誰讓我那麼喜歡One piece 海賊王呢。

slack adjuster

Brother said the car slack adjuster he can’t find it, let me look around there is no help for him at home, if not then rush him back today, we’re going to the store to buy a home, or relatively safe to put a slack adjuster in the car, the car if there was something not flexible, can be used to repair, can also go out to do check before, now how about driving on the outside, and my father often drive at night, it would need a slack adjuster, I can’t say I had come back home from work to buy a slack adjuster., a standby or ah, brother said all right, back when he left to buy another one

台北信义区 酒店

朋友邀请我们去台北玩,还为我们安排好了台北信义区 酒店,真是太开心了。朋友多了还是好啊,什么都能一起分享。信义区是台北的市中心,台北信义区 酒店基本都是很豪华的,环境都是非常好的,我们可真是好好享受了一下。信义区这边有很多好玩的东西,感觉待几天都玩不遍。刚好我们住台北信义区 酒店,出行相当方便。还能吃到很多好吃的东西,晚上的时候这边都是很热闹的,可以出来转一下然后再回去好好睡一觉,准备第二天的旅行,实在是太棒了。

kamen rider

Go home, two children to see Kamen Rider on the internet. I would say they have finished my homework and then watch. But they don’t agree. So I told the children quarrel. I said a few words they, they reluctantly sat at the table and began to write homework. The child grandma went to him and said to me, they are the home to sit at the Kamen Rider in front of the computer, let them write the work, that is, read to write. I am the two twin sons too obsessed with Kamen Rider, often the adults make is dizziness. I let them write the homework, but also promised them an additional condition, is to promise they buy Kamen Rider model. They promised me home from school every day to listen to the words of adults, to finish the job.

嬰兒用品 專門店

和朋友一塊經營著一家嬰兒用品 專門店,生意還不錯,前不久小姨告訴我她懷孕的事情,我就讓小姨有空到我的嬰兒用品 專門店里面選一些她寶寶用的東西,我送給小姨,就當是我送給小姨肚子里寶寶的禮物,小姨今天有空就到我店里面來了,小姨見到那些小孩子用的東西,高興的不得了,我就讓小姨慢慢看,小姨告訴我她兩天已經準備了一些小孩子的東西,今天是要準備一些衣服的,我就給小姨推薦了幾個特別可愛的衣服和用的東西。

台湾 癌症治疗

看到台湾 癌症治疗的新闻,我就想现在的科学真是越来越厉害了,就连癌症都有得治了,不过我们这边好像都没有听说过这种治疗手段呢,看来虽然比较先进不过还没有真正发展起来,不过我想这也是时间问题而已,台湾都有这种治疗手段,那再过不久应该很多地方都有癌症治疗的方法了。我记得以前听说过谁得了癌症,不过还好发现的早,所以经过长时间的治疗现在应该已经好很多了,如果他知道台湾 癌症治疗的话,就可以去台湾,说不定病早就好了。


Read EMBA for a long time, a few days ago, our class made a small test, I went to have a look at the place, my grades are not good, almost all behind, of course, to see their results, I am very ashamed although not really EMBA rankings but heart also is very not taste, now from the EMBA rank test and a little bit of time in this period of time, my heart good to learn, can’t careless, don’t know your EMBA ranking and so on, I have to get a better grade. But if I feel too sorry for myself.