Light tent

Last month to take a photo, it was good, I am very happy. But it was time to shoot more interesting, because not many people on that day, so I told the photographer chat for a while. I have been to the photographic equipment is very curious, he told me that they used the Light tent here are very high, so it will show good effect. Had not heard of Light tent this thing, just feel the magic. But now use Light tent place is very common. The photographer was the baby of the Light tent, because this thing is not good to buy. And supporting components is not very good, he gave me some photography knowledge, is really learned a lot.



台湾 肿瘤治疗

我爷爷年纪大了可是还要经受癌症的折磨真的很可怜,所以我们家人一直都希望他能够尽快好起来,偶然一次上网看到了台湾 肿瘤治疗,于是就找了一些资料新闻什么的看了一下,真没想到居然还有台湾 肿瘤治疗,而且治疗的效果比化疗的效果好了不止一点点,一听到这个我就马上告诉我爸爸了,他也很高兴,但是可能因为消息来的太突然,所以都有点不太相信,于是我在电脑上找到了一些关于台湾 肿瘤治疗的资料,让他看一看,也好了解一下台湾 肿瘤治疗。现在我们已经准备带爷爷去台湾了。




我想我要是把助學貸款的事告訴爸媽他們一定會非常的開心的,因爲自己我高考完以後,爸媽就一直在爲我上大學的學費發愁,因爲家的姐妹太多,負擔重大學的學費對我們家來 說也是一筆巨額,可是我也很想去上大學的,但有時候想到家裏的經濟狀況我就心裏特別的難過。沒想到我真在爲學費發愁的時候,聽好多同學他們說現在上學我們是可以辦理助學貸款,等我們大學畢業工作上了再還回去就好了,我聽到這樣的消息我非常的開心,因爲我真的想上學,我想爸媽知道可以辦助學貸款他們也會開心的。

Taps Singapore

This time our house, but busy husband, husband is a task transaction requirements are very high, of course, the US home decoration is the same, when our family decoration both building or decoration with things, is dear husband pick themselves back, of course I also know that the husband is a very picky, so every thing I did to him are very safe, a few days before the husband don’t know where that Singapore faucet is very good, he full avenue to find Taps Singapore, other water faucet is not as long as the Taps Singapore, but later in the building materials market to find the husband say Taps Singapore.






家里能装修成现在这个样子我非常的满意 ,这次我们家装修其实都是我老公做的,因为我们装修房子的时候刚好我还出差在外地,所以家里的一切都是老公按排的 ,不过老公按排我也很放心的,我知道老公是一个非常追求完美的人,他不管做什么都会做的非常的好,就可以说是无可挑剔,我出差回来看来我们家这种全新的变化,我非常的激动,好很喜欢,这次的装修我们家用的都是品牌木地板和绿建材,现在的这个品牌木地板非常的棒,就是这个品牌木地板显得我们的房子空间都变大了好多。


Small often play games and brother, brother taught me to play a game called home, although it has been a long time, I still love to play. Impressed me most is that there is a Gundam like a robot things, but very powerful. It turns out Gundam is up to, is a kind of operating human combat weapon. High school and see the Gundam animation, just like Gundam. Now the family has a collection of many of the Gundam model. At that time, in order to Gundam model, buy beloved save money on food and expenses, save for a long time the money to buy, now think of to what I like is also very worthy of.