

kelly bag

Soon it will have the Spring Festival, I remember my cousin to promise, then in order to encourage him to study hard for the exam, the last good point of the University, I said to her, if you are admitted to the I in have the Spring Festival home to buy you a Kelly bag, how, she agreed, the result is really go, I can’t stand ah, in the mall where she bought a bag to encourage her to study hard, make persistent efforts, it is still not a small expenditure, but say out how good back, had to buy, see when I first sentence is your promise, I pretend not know what you said, was little changed, after take out, more than indescribably happy.









hermes birkin

Now that the girls become more and more realistic and material, so do not know the boys themselves too incompetent to excuses, or girls itself so, in fact, a palm pats not not loud, now the girls did not urge say what to buy big brands of things like Hermes Birkin, just want to have a stable home can be, life does not need to be rich, but not too tight, which girls don’t like Hermes Birkin such a big brand, the reality can not meet, can have what way, just want a house guarantee the stability of the life, has one to belong to own nest.



hermes wallet

In the University, one of the girls in our dormitory, her home economic condition is very good, the parents are doing real estate business home can be said to be the strength of the economy. On weekends she went crazy shopping, often go to buy some luxury brands, wasteful spending, this weekend, she bought a Hermes wallet. The Hermes wallet tens of dollars, but she doesn’t care, she always says he good home conditions can meet their own these needs. This time to buy the Hermes walletq is a small case for in him we really feel helpless, only wish that she can change yourself of this habit, not spending money like water, to the parents cherish the fruits of labor

