

日本 酒店

今天是我的生日可是男朋友也沒有一點動靜我還以為男朋友把我的生日忘了呢,快下班的時候接到男朋友打來的電話告訴我說是他在日本 酒店等我呢,說是晚上給我過生日呢。聽了男朋友講的事情我就說我回家換一身衣服就去日本 酒店呢,男朋友聽了我講的事情就說他在日本 酒店等我呢,說是晚上要給我一個驚喜呢,聽了男朋友講的事情我就說我挺期待的,我一定會把自己打扮的美美去見他的,男朋友聽到我那樣講就說他為了給我過這個生日計劃了很久呢。

nail salon central

我的好朋友非常的喜歡美甲呢,她想去學習美甲呢,我的好朋友學了一段時間的美甲現在也在nail salon central那裏上班了呢,聽說nail salon central的美甲非常的不錯的呢,我也一直想去做nail salon central做美甲呢,到了那裏人還是很多的呢,我的好朋友也在工作著呢,我就等了一會兒,讓我的朋友為我做了指甲,真的感覺太好了,非常感謝我的好朋友,給我做的美甲,真的太漂亮了,我非常的喜歡呢,從那以後我也經常去那裏做美甲呢,那裏的服務也是非常不錯的呢,那裏面設計的我非常的喜歡呢。

chiness lesson singapore

I chose the Chiness lesson Singapore is because one of my friends are learning in it, I think we can learn together together after class usually do, nor to choose other places that are not a class of people together, but now I am because of their special love Chiness lesson Singapore I want to be in there to learn it, and because I was in Chiness lesson Singapore will learn a lot of things to do, now only think that I know how to thank my friend, if I was not the first choice of friends to learn my own estimate will not follow him here at Chiness lesson Singapore.

time attendance security door

After the morning came to the company, our company today has changed a lot, but in 2017 the first day of work, did not think our company had installed the time attendance security door, I read you feel very surprised, but we all know that is for the good of the company, so we should take when we go to work, but he passed time attendance security door into the company, feel really good, but also very safe! So we will say that in order to celebrate the company to install the time attendance security door, we have to eat a big meal outside today, do not eat lunch box!

京都 酒店

朋友給我打電話,說是他們公司要開忘年會了呢,於是我就問他是在哪裡開呢,跟往年一樣就在我們這個小地方開,還是今年要換個地方呢,結果我朋友就告訴我說是他們公司今年在京都 酒店開忘年會,我聽到之後也很興奮,因為剛好我們公司也在京都 酒店呀,而我的車最近有問題,所以我這幾天都是坐新幹線上班的,如果我朋友 跟我在一家酒店開忘年會的話呢,我們倆就可以一起去京都 酒店了,他可以載我一程呢。





osaka airport transfer

Today is my friend’s birthday, my friend invited me over, my friend said to me to arrange the trip, is to Osaka Airport Transfer, for a long time did not fly it, I went to the Osaka Airport Transfer there is still a lot of people, where the service is very good and I love that in service, I quickly to my friends in the city, to where my friends are very happy to see me this far away come, my friends are in there she wants me to stay for a few days, I a friend asked me osaka airport transfer what ah, I said very easy to do, my friend said that she is going to see my transfer from the Osaka Airport, very convenient.

花蓮 民宿推薦

知道朋友馬上就要跟她去度蜜月了今天我就問朋友她跟她老公去度蜜月的事情安排的怎麼樣了,朋友就告訴我說是她跟她老公商量之後打算去臺灣度蜜月呢,說是她一個同學就把花蓮 民宿推薦給了她呢,聽了朋友講的事情我就說我聽到她說要去臺灣度蜜月我也打算把花蓮 民宿推薦給她呢,朋友聽了我講的事情就說她特別期待這次去臺灣度蜜月呢,聽了朋友講的事情我就說她現在過的真是太幸福了,相信這次度蜜月一定也會特別的快樂呢。朋友聽到我那樣講就說她也覺得自己挺幸福的。